Thursday, 27 June 2013



* Low Cost Results
* Definite Increase in Traffic
* Higher Brand Credibility
* Better ROI (Return on Investment)

* Permanent Results
* Flexibility
* Perspective (Global/Regional)
* Increase Visibility
* Increase Revenue
* Measurable Results
* Competitive Advantage
* Usability
* Navigable by the Engines
* PR (Page Rank) Building
* Pull Marketing

SEO Tools :

* Google Keyword Tool : SEO Tool Used for Keyword  Research.
* SEOmoz : SEO Tool Used for Technical SEO Audit, Keyword Rankings & Link Analysis.
* Google Webmaster Tools: SEO Tool Used for XML Sitemap Submission, Crawl Information, Potential Google Penalties.
* Link Tiger: SEO Tool Used for Broken Link and 404 Analysis.
* Pingdom: SEO Tool Used for Page Load Time Analysis.
* Google Analytics: SEO Tool Used for SEO Visitor, Conversion and   ROI Reporting.
* Google adwords 
* Keyword Spy
* Keyword Density Checker
* Google Analytics
* Multiple Keyword Rack-Checking Tool
* Alexa Challenge
* Cloaking Detection
* Meta Tag Analyzer
* Multi PageRank
* PageRank Analysis
* SEO Challenge
* Social Bookmarks
* Spiderview
* Visual PageRank
* Website Speed Test
* Keyword Position
* Domain Age
* Domain Popularity
* Link Popularity, Backlinks
* Link Value
* Outbound Links
* Meta Tag Generator
* Sitemap Generator
* Unix Time Convertor
* URL Rewrite and many more 
   important tools for perform SEO activities.

For more details please click here - Get Smart SEO Tips


SEO is what makes a website stand out amongst the hordes of others; and this is precisely why every business website needs SEO. The ultimate aim of SEO is to use all available tools and methods to make a website score high on the search engine results pages. The benefit that the website derives from higher scores is:

* Maximize brand exposure.
* Increased visibility on search engines.
* More visitors to the website.
* More sales and increased revenue.
* SEO is what gets business websites the visitors, which finally translate into sales and  then revenue.

The Scope of SEO is becoming very vast since the websites are developed at a huge rate in this modern technology. Every client want his/her website to be on first page of search engine so SEO plays a very crucial role to maintain website’s position or rank.

For more Detail click here - Get Smart SEO Tips

Wednesday, 26 June 2013


The Objective of search engine marketing SEO are:
1 . it’s easier to get good ROI (return of investment)
     through SEO 
2 . Fulfilments of requirement .
3 . Most effective way to get traffic.
4 . Improve page rank for your website.
5 . Helps in gaining permanent incoming links for your

The SEO is a set of methodologies aimed at improving the ranking of a website in the pages of the search engines or in any case to improve accessibility through search engines. The main objective of SEO is to improve the ranking of a website on the search engines (like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.) by following certain rules and algorithms of search engines. The SEO also refers to the profession and work undertaken by consultants. SEO projects have websites of their clients in order to improve the number of visits and outcomes or the planning of campaigns advertising based on keywords.

The search engine mainly focused in SEO is Google. There are two algorithms of Google namely, Panda and Penguin.

The main objective of Panda is to remove the thin or low PR (Page Rank) websites and to bring on top the thick or high PR (Page Rank) websites. The Penguin focuses on removing the duplicate content, keyword stuffing and cloaking.

For more Detail click here - Get Smart SEO Tips

Monday, 24 June 2013

Place of SEO in any type of the Business hierarchy and Having some important activities in it's Process

In any type of business organization Internet Marketing is must in the current scenario. We can understand its hierarchical process with the help of this diagram. Here some major requirement activities are given for its all types of act like: SME (Search Engine Marketing), SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SMO (Social Media Optimization) And PPC (Pay Per Click) activities.

SEO on Page Optimization Tools : SEO off Page Optimization Tools :
* Keyword Research * Search Engine Submission
* Competitors Analysis * Directory Submission
* Title Tag * Article Submission
* Meta Tags(Description & Keyword) * Press Release submission
* Content Optimization * Forum And Blog
* Keyword Density * Link (One-Way & Two Way)
* URL Structure Analysis * Classifieds
* Image Optimization * Google Mapping/Listing
* Sitemap Creation * Social Book marking
* Use of robots.txt * RSS feeds
SEO Tools :
* Google adwords
* Keyword Spy
* Keyword Density

* Google Analytics

For more Detail click here - Get Smart SEO Tips

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Introduction of SEO

Search Engine Optimization is the ultimate way to take your web sites top of the listings and get a good ranking  in various search engines. SEO is an important tool for any Web Marketing Campaign. It helps to Set  Your Website at the Position Higher than the Millions of other Websites in  Response to a Search Query.

The SEO process defined into two way-
1) On Page Optimization
2) Off Page Optimization

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